Where is the Study Czech Language School?
In this Friday lesson of communicative Czech, we´ll have a look at places in Brno. We´ll practice dialogues to ask the way and to get where you want to go, using only your Czech (and possibly a map).
So don´t be shy, get out of your flat and explore the city!

WHEN? Friday 19th April 2013, 18:00 – 19:30
WHERE? Kotlářská 47, Brno
LEVEL: Beginners/False Beginners

Interested? Please, register. The number of places is limited.
Registration is closed.

Other Study Czech Fridays

1st Study Czech Friday – “S tebou mě baví svět” – 15/02/2013
2nd Study Czech Friday – “Eating in Brno” – 15/03/2013
3rd Study Czech Friday – “Kdo ukradl kaktus?/ Who stole a cactus?” – 05/04/2013
5th Study Czech Friday – “Byl pozdní večer, první máj …” – 10/05/2013
6th Study Czech Friday – “Summer on the road / Léto na cestách” – 31/05/2013
Study Czech Friday s vůní kávy / Study Czech Friday with a smell of coffee – 21/09/2013
Study Czech Friday: Procházka po centru Brna / Study Czech Friday: Stroll around Brno centre – 01/11/2013
Study Czech Friday: Večer s kytarou / An Evening with Guitar – 29/11/2013
Study Czech Friday: Hrajeme si na obchod – 28/02/2014
Study Czech Friday: Na poště / at the post office – 11/04/2014
Study Czech Friday: Opékání špekáčků – 06/06/2014
Výlet na Babí lom / Trip to Babí lom observartion tower – 14/06/2014
Study Czech Piknik ‎- 09/07/2014

Photo: http://www.sxc.hu/