Articles for April 2013

5th Study Czech Friday – Byl pozdní večer, první máj…

www.sxc.huThis Study Czech Friday focuses on weather in all its shapes and forms. Since it takes place in May, we will begin with the famous Czech romantic poet Karel Hynek Mácha and his “May” which inspired a whole new habit of kissing under a cherry tree in blossom on the first of May and thus making a bizarre counterpart to ‘Labour Day’ on the same date.

Czech Loanwords in English

Etymology, the part of linguistics that traces and describes the origins of words, is a very interesting subject to study. Every language has a series of words that are borrowed or adopted from others and sometimes it’s not even clear which was the original language. Of course there are very many words that Czech has borrowed from English, but the Czech language has contributed to English as well!

Happy Spring, Everyone!

… Je jaro.
Veselé bláto tam, kde roztál sníh.
Chci mít to bláto za ušima.
Zahodit vše, co o jaru vím z knih,
a místo cizích očí dívat se jen svýma…
Jan Skácel

4th Study Czech Friday – Where is …?

Where is the Study Czech Language School?
In this Friday lesson of communicative Czech, we´ll have a look at places in Brno. We´ll practice dialogues to ask the way and to get where you want to go, using only your Czech (and possibly a map).
So don´t be shy, get out of your flat and explore the city!

5 places you shouldn’t miss in Brno, part 2

Some time ago I wrote an article on what you should visit in Brno, regardless on how long you are staying. Have you visited at least one of the places I recommended? Well, I hope so! And if I remember corectly, I also promised you another “top 5 Brno list”. So, here it is! Together, we’ll take a peaceful walk in the park, visit a few edifying museum exhibitions and do some potentially dangerous sports. If you don’t feel daring, you can only watch, I promise. Are you ready?