We are teaching now mainly online, so you can join our courses from anywhere – from your office, your home, from any place in the world.

Small group courses online which you can join

Level Day Time No. of lessons Price
False-beginners (A1/1) We 16:30-18:00 10 x 90 min 3.900 CZK
Pre-Intermediate (A2/1) Tu 08:00-9:30 10 x 90 min 3.900 CZK
Intermediate (A2/2+) Tu 17:30-19:00 10 x 90 min 3.900 CZK
Upper-Intermediate (B2) Tu 12:15-13:45 10 x 90 min 3.900 CZK

We still have some free places in these courses. There are max. 4 students in the group.
More info about our small group courses.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us.