Combine convenience and pleasure and come on 21st December to the shop of the Veronica Foundation and practise shopping in Czech.

Don’t panic – we will be available for you, glad to show you the whole market. You will have an opportunity to practise Czech words and phrases which you can use next time with other shop assistants who are not as patient as we are, though :)

WHEN? Saturday 21/12/2013, 10:00 – 12:00 AM
WHERE? Shop of Veronica Foundation, Jana Babáka 11, Krpole, tram stop Terrerova (tram no. 12), map

What you can buy in the shop?
Clothes, jewelry, books, excellent apple juice and more. You also can bring to the shop your things which you do not need any more and you would like to hand them to other people.

We support the Veronica Foundation, because
they invest the money e.g. into tree planting, natural gardens, community projects and other activites which make Brno and its surroundings a better and nicer place to live :)