Články za leden 2013

Falešní přátelé v češtině

Are you learning Czech? Good! Then this article might be just for you. Here are some tricky words in Czech that might look similar to words in other languages but have an absolutely different meaning. This might cause very embarrassing, yet very funny situations from time to time.

Naše učebny

Naše učebna se nachází na ulici Kotlářská street 47 vedle zastávky Pionýrská a asi 700 metrů ze zastávky Konečného náměstí. Není tedy daleko ani z centra města, ani z firem.

Zimní slovní zásoba

Jak se řekne česky sledging, skiing, skating, snowman atd.? Podívejte se na náš obrázek! Pokud jste vizuální typ, slova si zapamatujete snáze.

Mějte se na pozoru: kulturní šok v České republice

In the beginning, I was planning on writing a sarcastic article about the Czech Republic and life here being terrible. Don’t get me wrong, I do love this country, I grew up here and I still consider it my home. But there are things that are not, let’s say, ideal. Unfortunately, the longer you live somewhere, the less you appreciate the good and the more you concentrate on the not so great things. I’ve met many people from all over the world and a lot of them told me their stories about the culture shock they experienced upon moving here. I’ve even experienced reverse culture shock when I returned after a few months’ stay in Germany.

10 důvodů, proč se učit česky

Are you asking yourself why you should learn Czech? This strange language full of weird diacritics, funny pronunciation and so many different cases and word endings that make some people say it’s impossible to learn it properly? Why even bother and make the effort to learn something that is unlikely to be used anywhere else than in the Czech Republic? Then you might be surprised.