Summer Courses 2018

Have fun in summer with Czech!
All of our Summer courses are packed with fun activities focused on spoken communication. We use only Czech language in our lessons to encourage you to start thinking in Czech as soon as possible. Do not hesitate and join us for one or more weeks this summer!

Czech Speaking and Listening Intensive Summer Courses

We are not going to make you tired by boring grammar studied in detail but we are going to focus on listening, speaking and vocabulary development.
In these practical courses, you can learn Czech in very small groups of between 3-4 students in a friendly atmosphere without stress.

After the course, you should feel confident using Czech in these situations:
Beginners Course:
– Greetings
– Introducing yourself, speaking about family
– Shopping and eating in the restaurant
– Orientation and travelling in the city
– And more – depending on the needs of students

Beginners+ Course:
– Speaking about present, past and future activities
– And more – depending on the needs of students

Level Date Time No. of lessons Price
Beginners 30/07-03/08/2018 Arranged according to students 5 x 180 min (1 week) 3.700 CZK
Beginners 20/08-24/08/2018 Arranged according to students 5 x 180 min (1 week) 3.700 CZK
Beginners+ 06/08-10/08/2018 Arranged according to students 5 x 180 min (1 week) 3.700 CZK
Beginners+ 27/08-31/08/2018 Arranged according to students 5 x 180 min (1 week) 3.700 CZK

Individual Czech Training and Small Group Courses

Our individual courses of Czech and small group courses continue during the summer. Make use of the summer – start studying Czech or improve your Czech skills when the days are longer and calmer.

What students say about our summer courses

I’m so glad to have found StudyCzech! The summer intensives fit my schedule well, and the compressed learning gave me the boost I needed to really begin using Czech in daily situations. After trying to learn Czech on my own for a year, I found Jana and Petra to be very accommodating to my inconsistent knowledge base, and able to illuminate previously murky areas of grammar and syntax. I especially appreciated their interest in adapting the course to the students’ individual needs and goals, and their focus on useful, communicative Czech, rather than dry theory and grammar tables. I hope to continue my Czech lessons here, and will definitely recommend this language school to anyone who wishes to learn and speak Czech.
Tamarind, Editor, from USA

More references

If you would like to take part in any of our summer language courses or require any further information, then please contact us.