Czech for Little Kids and Their Parents

Do you want to spend meaningful time with your child?
Enjoy activities, strengthen your relationship and learn Czech together in our Czech classes for little kids and their parents.

We offer these courses:
Children ages 2 to 4 years and their parents
Children ages 3 to 6 years and their parents – in school and online
Children ages 7 to 10 years
Individual online lessons for children

Czech for children ages 2 to 4 years

We say rhymes, sing songs, move, use senses, do development activities and learn Czech – children together with their parents.
Interested? Please, contact us.

Czech for children ages 3 to 6 years

We learn Czech through kids yoga, stories, games, songs and rhymes – children together with their parents. We move, use senses and learn how to relax and work with emotions. We don’t compete and respect each other.

Place Start Day Time No. of lessons Price Occup.
In school 07/05/2024 Monday 17:00-18:00 10 x 60 min 2.700 CZK Full
Online 03/02/2024 Sunday 17:00-17:30 10 x 30 min 1.750 CZK Full
Online 07/01/2024 Sunday 17:45-18:15 10 x 30 min 1.750 CZK Full

There are max. 4 families (plus a teacher) in the lesson.
Book your place in lessons at

Czech for children ages 7 to 10 years

We learn speaking and reading in Czech in funny way.
There are max. 4 children in the lesson.
Interested? Please, contact us at


Language school Study Czech,U Červeného mlýna 64/1, Brno – Ponava.
Free parking spots.
Or online.


The price is for the family – one child and one adult / for a child (in the course for children ages 7-10years).
All materials and coffee/tea in school included in price.
The first lesson is a “trial lesson”, you can try if you like it. Afterwards, you can decide if you want to book your place in the course.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask.


I’d like to thank you for your patience and for the passion you show when teaching our kids (and us) the czech language, always with a smile on your face, always kind and gentle:) I mostly appreciated the unique and interesting methods you used to make us curious, entertained and fast learners.
Elmas and her daughter Aisa (5 years old), from Romania

I want to thank you for great sessions and for making lessons so much fun for Alisa!
Vahan and his daughter (4 years old), from Armenia

My daughter really enjoys the lessons!
Jacqueline and her daughter (4 years old), from USA

Náš syn se na lekce s Janou vždy velmi těší a nevnímá to jako školu či učení, ale jako zábavu. Jana je vždy velmi usměvavá a plná pozitivní energie. Děti ji automaticky mají rády a cítí se s ní hezky. Jsme moc rádi, že jsme Janu poznali a že naše děti mají možnost naučit se lépe česky.
Lukáš (6 years old), bilingual, living in the USA

Stella loves the lessons!
Sara and her daughter Stella (6 years old), from Bulgary

Oliver often speaks about “my czech class” and he speaks more and more Czech.
Kristy and her son Oliver (4 years old), from USA


Teacher in lessons for children ages 2-4 years and 5-7 years.
Has been teaching Czech for foreigners since 2005.
Is a certified teacher of Yoga for preschool children (Česká asociace dětské jógy) and she attended various worshops about mindful movement.
A lector of logopaedic prevention for children and pupils.
Attended First aid for baby and child training.
Attended a course of Teaching Czech language and Literatury in primary schools with Montessori Programme.
Attended Summer School for Language Teachers at Primary School and Summer School of Modern Teaching Methods for Primary School Teachers.
Attended a course of Teaching English in primary schools with Montessori Programme.
Teaching preparation Czech courses for school integration in a primary school in Brno.
Plays the piano.
Is a mum of a 5-year-old boy.

Teacher in lessons for children ages 7-10 years.
Has been teaching Czech for foreigners since 2022.
Is working in a school for Finnish children in Brno.

More about us

Lesson rules

Parents are responsible for child safety in the lesson and the whole school area.
Only healthy children come to the lessons.
Lessons start on time.
We respect each other and let children to adapt to a new place and activities.

Do you want to learn Czech and have your child around?

You can have individual Czech lessons while your child playing in the play corner.
More info about individual lessons.